Online Seminar
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VDE Online-Seminare

Mit unseren kostenlosen Online-Seminaren möchten wir Sie über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Prüfung und Zertifizierung von elektrischen Geräten und Systemen informieren. Unsere Expertinnen und Experten berichten über neueste Trends ebenso wie über die Dauerbrenner in der Zertifizierungswelt. Dabei greifen sie zurück auf einen Erfahrungsschatz aus 100 Jahren Prüfung und Zertifizierung.

Laura Walter
Weitere VDE Online-Angebote
English Online Seminars:


View of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

ENGLISCH: VDE GMA Services - Conformity Assessments Schemes (India) of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for Electrotechnical Products

Tue, Feb 4, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET | Pankaj Chaudhury

View of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

Tue, Feb 4, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET | Pankaj Chaudhury

Over the past decades, trade flows have become increasingly global but to access the target market , compliance to the technical regulatory requirements need to be demonstrated.

We at VDE are helping businesses to meet these requirements and steer them through the complex world of regulations, standards ,certification and marks in an efficient & timely manner.

In this webinar, we will take you through the regulations in India for electro-technical products with specific focus on Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) requirements and how we can help you by providing tailored solution  to accelerate and simplify the compliance journey.

Topics covered in this webinar are :

  • Quality Infrastructure of India, 
  • How Regulations are issued in India
  • Role of BIS
  • BIS Conformity Assessments Schemes -Mandatory Certification (ISI Mark) and Registration (CRS)
  • VDE’s offerings as a One Stop Solution to streamline the Compliance Process.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

View of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

AUFGEZEICHNETE WIEDERHOLUNG VON VDE GMA Services - Conformity Assessments Schemes (India) of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for Electrotechnical Products

Tue, Feb 4, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CET | Pankaj Chaudhury

View of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India

Tue, Feb 4, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CET | Pankaj Chaudhury

Over the past decades, trade flows have become increasingly global but to access the target market , compliance to the technical regulatory requirements need to be demonstrated.

We at VDE are helping businesses to meet these requirements and steer them through the complex world of regulations, standards ,certification and marks in an efficient & timely manner.

In this webinar, we will take you through the regulations in India for electro-technical products with specific focus on Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) requirements and how we can help you by providing tailored solution  to accelerate and simplify the compliance journey.

Topics covered in this webinar are :

  • Quality Infrastructure of India, 
  • How Regulations are issued in India
  • Role of BIS
  • BIS Conformity Assessments Schemes -Mandatory Certification (ISI Mark) and Registration (CRS)
  • VDE’s offerings as a One Stop Solution to streamline the Compliance Process.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

EU regulations and EU Directives - two folders in the office

ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Placing electrical items with or without batteries on the market - new challenges

Thu, Feb 6, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Sebstian Jockusch (fox compliance GmbH) + Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

EU regulations and EU Directives - two folders in the office

Thu, Feb 6, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Sebstian Jockusch (fox compliance GmbH) + Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

A number of different requirements are placed on the placing of electronic and electrical items on the market. The legal minimum requirements are diverse and spread across various horizontal and vertical legal acts.

Not only the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, the Directive 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility or the Directive 2014/53/EU for radio equipment must be observed. The chemical requirements of the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, the REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 and the POP Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 must also be observed. Last but not least, economic operators must also keep the Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in mind before placing the item on the market.

A new addition is Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 on batteries and waste batteries, which introduces many new requirements and challenges for companies over a timeline.

Our seminar provides an overview of the diverse (new) requirements and new challenges in the context of electrical items and provides practical advice.

Your speakers are Sebastian Jockusch, Managing Director of fox compliance GmbH and Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

EU regulations and EU Directives - two folders in the office

AUFGEZEICHNETE WIEDERHOLUNG VON Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Placing electrical items with or without batteries on the market - new challenges

Thu, Feb 6, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | Sebstian Jockusch (fox compliance GmbH) + Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

EU regulations and EU Directives - two folders in the office

Thu, Feb 6, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | Sebstian Jockusch (fox compliance GmbH) + Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

A number of different requirements are placed on the placing of electronic and electrical items on the market. The legal minimum requirements are diverse and spread across various horizontal and vertical legal acts.

Not only the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, the Directive 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility or the Directive 2014/53/EU for radio equipment must be observed. The chemical requirements of the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, the REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 and the POP Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 must also be observed. Last but not least, economic operators must also keep the Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in mind before placing the item on the market.

A new addition is Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 on batteries and waste batteries, which introduces many new requirements and challenges for companies over a timeline.

Our seminar provides an overview of the diverse (new) requirements and new challenges in the context of electrical items and provides practical advice.

Your speakers are Sebastian Jockusch, Managing Director of fox compliance GmbH and Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

Blick auf Al Faisaliyah Center in Riad, Saudi-Arabien

ENGLISCH: The Mandatory G-Mark Certificate for Exports to GCC Countries Focusing on Saudi Arabia Requirements

Tue, Feb 11, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET | Ahmad Akwanin, Preexport Verification Services LLC

Blick auf Al Faisaliyah Center in Riad, Saudi-Arabien

Tue, Feb 11, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET | Ahmad Akwanin, Preexport Verification Services LLC

During our webinar we are going to have a look on what is the GSO and we are going to take a closer look on some of the relevant certification schemes to enter the markets of the GCC countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman).

Furthermore, we are reviewing the latest requirements to achieve the G-Mark certification and how it works in relation to the SALEEM program and SABER platform.

Additionally, we will also introduce some of the requirements in respect of the regulations on energy efficiency under SASO EER/SEER.

Instructions for vacuum robot

ENGLISCH: Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Dealing with product risks – What to do if a product recall is imminent?

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Dr. Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

Instructions for vacuum robot

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CET | Dr. Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

The new Product Safety Regulation will apply from December 13, 2024. It significantly tightens a long-standing but often negligently neglected obligation of economic operators (manufacturers, importers, distributors, etc.). It concerns corrective measures to be taken if a product placed on the market is not compliant. Under the title "Dealing with product risks - what to do if a product is threatened with recall?", Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany, will explain as part of our event series "Product Compliance from 360°" why the topic is of great importance for many, including smaller companies, who often consider themselves "not responsible" and refer to the manufacturer, or for companies that only sell "B2B". Mr. Becker will give a brief overview of, among other things, where the obligation to issue warnings, recalls and withdrawals comes from, under what conditions what has to be done, what the Rapex issue is all about, how to identify affected products, what a recall notice should look like, why it is helpful to coordinate communication with authorities, experts, insurance companies, legal advice and customers and why the new product safety regulation suddenly requires repairs, replacement deliveries or compensation to be offered even years after the sale. Above all, Mr. Becker will use many practical examples to explain how companies can prepare for the "worst case scenario". When it starts, there is hardly any time for that, and if you do not react (correctly), you risk compensation, fines, personal liability of those involved and damage to your reputation.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

Instructions for vacuum robot

AUFGEZEICHNETE WIEDERHOLUNG VON Product Compliance - a 360-Degree overview - Dealing with product risks – What to do if a product recall is imminent?

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | Dr. Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

Instructions for vacuum robot

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET | Dr. Ulrich Becker (CMS Deutschland)

The new Product Safety Regulation will apply from December 13, 2024. It significantly tightens a long-standing but often negligently neglected obligation of economic operators (manufacturers, importers, distributors, etc.). It concerns corrective measures to be taken if a product placed on the market is not compliant. Under the title "Dealing with product risks - what to do if a product is threatened with recall?", Dr. Ulrich Becker, lawyer at CMS Germany, will explain as part of our event series "Product Compliance from 360°" why the topic is of great importance for many, including smaller companies, who often consider themselves "not responsible" and refer to the manufacturer, or for companies that only sell "B2B". Mr. Becker will give a brief overview of, among other things, where the obligation to issue warnings, recalls and withdrawals comes from, under what conditions what has to be done, what the Rapex issue is all about, how to identify affected products, what a recall notice should look like, why it is helpful to coordinate communication with authorities, experts, insurance companies, legal advice and customers and why the new product safety regulation suddenly requires repairs, replacement deliveries or compensation to be offered even years after the sale. Above all, Mr. Becker will use many practical examples to explain how companies can prepare for the "worst case scenario". When it starts, there is hardly any time for that, and if you do not react (correctly), you risk compensation, fines, personal liability of those involved and damage to your reputation.

We look forward to your participation in our free online seminar.

Zahlencode, digitaler Code, Schloss, Programmierung und Sicherheit

Aktueller Status der Cybersecurity Regulierung: RED und CRA

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2025, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr | Alexander Matheus

Zahlencode, digitaler Code, Schloss, Programmierung und Sicherheit

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2025, 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr | Alexander Matheus

Das Webinar wird den aktuellen Status der Regulierung für die Cybersecurity und Entwicklungen der RED 3.3 d,e,f und des CRA (Cyber Resilinece Act) aufzeigen. Mögliche Lösungswege und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten des VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstituts werden erläutert und es wird die Möglichkeit geben, Fragen zu dem Thema zu stellen. 

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme an unserem kostenlosen Online-Seminar.


Aktuelles vom VDE Institut