VDE Prüfinstitut

The VDE Testing and Certification Institute: independent and impartial

The independent and neutral VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH is a nationally and internationally accredited institution for the testing and certification of electric equipment, components, and systems. 

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Founded in 1920, the VDE e.V-supported Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH (VDE Institute), headquartered in Offenbach, has worldwide know-how. Products are accordingly tested for applicable quality, health, environmental protection, safety, and social responsibility standards in nearly every market in the world. The results of the tests are scientifically evaluated and are included in the continued development of electrical standards.

Employees of the VDE Institute execute their tasks in a non-partisan manner. Company management and processes are also based on this principle. The code of conduct for the Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. and all associated companies (Association for Electrical, Electronic, and Information Technologies, altogether VDE) is the binding guideline that provides reliable orientation for daily activities and contains legal and ethical requirements for all VDE employees.

As part of its activities, the VDE Institute operates a calibration laboratory for electrical, thermodynamic, and dimensional measurement sizes, which operates according to the same aforementioned principles.

We have a broad range of accreditations, recognitions and permits and have unique knowledge and know-how when it comes to overcoming regulatory hurdles, market barriers, and delivery chain problems.

We help you improve your product as early as in the development phase and make market access quick and efficient.

VDE certification mark on glass panel

By doing so, the VDE Institute makes an important contribution

  • to product safety,
  • to the continued development of electrical standards and
  •  to consumer protection.

Our Locations

VDE Prüfinstitut

VDE Institute in Offenbach

VDE Prüfinstitut

VDE Testing and Certification Institute

Merianstraße 28

63069 Offenbach/Main

VDE testing centre for batteries and environmental tests

VDE TESTLAB Battery and Environment in Offenbach

VDE testing centre for batteries and environmental tests

VDE-Testlab Battery and Environment

Goethering 43

63067 Offenbach/Main

Overview on our historical development

The VDE Institute and the known VDE mark has existed for more than 96 years. On our experts and our expertise you can rely on.

Leading personalities of German electrotechnology founded the VDE in Berlin on 22 January 1893. Dedication to science, enhancement of progress in the electrotechnology and the propagation as well as profundation of the gained results were the major aims of the Association.

In many years of cooperation, wide circles of electrotechnology took much interest in dedicating their experience to the activities of the VDE in order to adapt the safety of electrical installations and equipment to the state of German electrotechnology.

With the increasing utilization of VDE specifications there was a need to mark appliances in conformity with these specifications. For this reason, a testing agency was founded in 1920 in Berlin with the task to test electrotechnical products (Installation materials, appliances, cables and cords etc.) for conformity with VDE standards and beyond that to undertake preparatory steps for the solution of technical tasks of the VDE.

The collapse of Germany in the year 1945 meant an intermediate ceasure of the activities of the VDE.

In Berlin, the seat of the Association at that time, the responsible British occupant force implemented a trust administration for the VDE. With the exception of the lecturing service which had to be suspended by order of the authorities, the core activities of the VDE central office could be revived gradually by a small staff of highly qualified employees. Main topics were the administration of VDE standards, activities of the VDE Testing Institute, the making available of the funds of the ETZ publishing house, reformation of the FNE committees, the starting of standardization work and the reestablishment of contacts to other VDE localities and dislocation centres.

By order of the military command, the VDE was dissolved on 6 May 1946. On 11 May 1946, the VDE House and VDE Berlin was subjected to financial control.

The activities concerning VDE specifications and standards for electrotechnology which had been started with many efforts obtained an intermediate home in the German Standardization Committee (Deutscher Normenausschuss) on initiative of relevant circles of the Berlin electrotechnology. This organization was operable together with a newly established testing laboratory.

In Western Germany, however, it was possible to gradually establish a new VDE. The activities of the VDE Testing Institute were started in 1948 in Wuppertal. By the middle of the year 1949 a number of 487 applications for testing had been received, among them 35% of thermal appliances and 43% installation materials. On 16 May 1949, in Bacharach the "Association of German Electrical Engineers on the united economic territory" (Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE) im vereinigten Wirtschaftsgebiet) with head office in Frankfurt am Main was established. The testing institute moved to Frankfurt on 4 May 1950. On 20 February 1961 the VDE House in Stresemannallee 21 is officially inaugurated. The VDE Testing Institute was accommodated in the same building on a surface area of 2000 m². On 22 January 1968, the VDE Institute starts operations in the buildings at Merianstrasse 28 in Offenbach am Main. Laboratories and administration building comprise a surface area of around 4300 m² on a terrain of 17 000 m². After completion of the first extension on 18 May 1983 and the second extension on 6 December 1988 the surface area was increased to 17 000 m².

The name of VDE Testing and Certification Institute was adopted in 1990 in order to express both functions - testing and certification. Today, its scope of testing comprises nearly the entire range of electrotechnical products. As one of the leading institutes in its area, the independent VDE Institute with its 500 employees and with accreditations on national and international level contributes greatly to safety and quality of electrotechnical products and systems. Testing and certification together with factory and market surveillance are corner stones for safe products on the market. Therefore, they describe a socio-political task for the benefit of consumer safety.

Current Information about the VDE Institute