Die Ergebnisse werden mit zusätzlicher Diskussion in
- der alle 2 Jahre stattfindenden internationalen CIGRE-Konferenz in Paris
- regionalen und nationalen CIGRE-Veranstaltungen
präsentiert und in
- technischen Broschüren
- der Mitgliederzeitschrift ELECTRA veröffentlicht.
Die Aktivitäten der Studienkomitees werden durch ein Technisches Komitee gesteuert, um z.B. inhaltliche Überschneidungen zu vermeiden.
Übersicht der Studienkomitees
A1 Rotating Electrical Machines
Economics, design, construction, test, behaviour and materials for turbine generators, hydrogenerators, non conventional machines and large motors.
A2 Power Transformers and Reactors
Power transformers including industrial, DC converter and phase-shifting transformers.
Reactors including shunt, series, saturated and, smoothing.
Transformer components including bushings, tap changers and accessories.
A3 Transmission & Distribution Equipment
Devices for switching, interrupting, or limiting currents including circuit breakers, load switches, re-closers, ring-main units disconnectors, earthing switches and fault current limiters wherever installed.
Surge arresters, capacitors, busbar and equipment insulators, instrument transformers, bushings, and all other equipment within the substation not specifically covered under another equipment study committee’s scopes.
B1 Insulated Cables
Theory, design, applications, manufacture, installation, testing, operation, maintenance and diagnostic techniques for land and submarine AC and DC insulated cables systems.
B2 Overhead Lines
Design, study of electrical and mechanical characteristics and performance, route selection, construction, operation, service life, maintenance, refurbishment uprating and upgrading of overhead lines and their components including: conductors, earth wires, insulators, towers, foundation and earthing systems
B3 Substations and Electrical Installations
Substations and similar electrical installations.
B4 DC Systems and Power Electronics
Direct Current equipment and systems including converter technology and semi-conductor devices.
Power electronics for AC systems and power quality improvement, advanced power electronics and applications.
B5 Protection and Automation
Principles, design, application and management of power system protection, substation control, automation, monitoring and recording - including associated internal and external communications, substation metering systems and interfacing for remote control and monitoring.
C1 Power System Development and Economics
Systemplanning; Asset management; Business management; Interconnections - horizontal, vertical
C2 Power System Operation and Control
Control , monitoring and switching of eqipment, management of ancillary services, monitoring of operational limits and actions to maintain network security and to avoid congestion.
Developments and changes in the business of System Operators.
Evaluation and benchmarking of the system performance.
Requirements, methods, tools and performance indicators for Control Centres.
Short-term planing and coordination of capacity calculation and network security.
C3 Power System Environmental Performance
Enviromental impacts of power system development and operation, sustainable development vs. economic development, risk assessment and the economics of impact containment, power system efficiency and the enviroment.
Stakeholder engagement and communication.
Tools and measures for quantifying, controlling and mitigating the environmental impact.
Recommendations for appropriate monitoring, management and control measures.
C4 Power System Technical Performance
Power Quality Performace, Electromagnetic Compability (EMC), Power System Dynamics; Lightning; Insulation Co-ordination.
C5 Electricity Markets and Regulation
Analysis of the impact on the planning and operation of electric power systems of different market approaches and solutions.
Market structures and products.
Techniques and tools.
Regulations and legilation.
Evolution of markes and regulation.
Coordination of regulation, funding and trading arrangements.
C6 Active Distribution Systems and Distributed Energy Resources
Innovative equipment and systems for DER and distribution technology deployment; customer integration and empowerment; enabling technologies for DER integration and application; storage technologies and multi-energy technologies; rural electrification and off-grid systems.
New approaches to configure new distribution systems.
Consumer integration and empowerment.
Smart cities.
Rural Electrification, islanded power systems and individual customer off-grid systems and solutions.
D1 Materials and Emerging Test Techniques
Fundamental aspects; Multi-component insulating arrangements; Diagnostic techniques and related knowledge rules; Emerging test techniques.
D2 Information Systems and Telecommunications
ICT equipment , architectures, securtiy and governance including considertation of fundamental principles, design, specification, testing engineering, commissioning, performance, operation and maintance aspects.
Communication solutions.
Interoperability and data exchange.
Cyber security issues.