Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (CDBME) is an open access journal and closely related to the journal Biomedical Engineering – Biomedizinische Technik (BME-BMT) that is well established and of high quality for more than 50 years.
CDBME is as BME-BMT a forum for the exchange of knowledge in the fields of biomedical engineering, medical information technology and biotechology/bioengineering for medicine and addresses engineers, natural scientists, and clinicians working in research, industry, or clinical practice.
Subject areas are: Diagnostic imaging, image processing, biosignal processing, modelling and simulation, biomechanics, information and communication in medicine, telemedicine and e-health, surgery and minimum invasive interventions, endoscopy and image guided therapy, diagnostic and therapeutic instrumentation, clinical engineering, micro- and nanosystems in medicine, active implants, biosensors, neuroengineering, neural systems, rehabilitation and prosthetics, biomaterials, cellular and tissue engineering, artificial organs, biomedical engineering for audiology, ophthalmology, emergency and dental medicine, general subjects (e.g., education and training, health technology assessment) and special topics (e.g., linking proteomics and genomics with biomedical engineering).
Editor-in-Chief: Dössel, Olaf
Mitglied im redaktionellen Beirat: Augat, Peter / Buzug, Thorsten M. / Haueisen, Jens / Jockenhoevel, Stefan / Knaup-Gregori, Petra / Kraft, Marc / Lenarz, Thomas / Leonhardt, Steffen / Malberg, Hagen / Penzel, Thomas / Plank, Gernot / Radermacher, Klaus M. / Schkommodau, Erik / Schmitz, Georg / Stieglitz, Thomas / Urban, Gerald A. / Witte, Herbert