
Grid as Backbone for E-Mobility

VDE FNN sets standards for the integration of E-Mobility with Technical Connection Rules and FNN Guidelines. In addition, studies commissioned by VDE FNN provide well-founded recommendations for action.

Guidelines for the grid integration of E-Mobility

Using the power grid to charge electric vehicles (EV) poses new challenges to the whole energy system. Technical requirements for network technology and operation must be met in order to ensure a highly reliable power supply. These are defined by VDE FNN in the FNN Guideline "Integration of E-Mobility. Guidelines for the wide distribution of electric vehicles".


  • Classification of charging technologies and services
  • Development of E-Mobility: controllability, communication between network operator and customer system, registration requirements
  • Connection to different voltage levels and communication options

Technical Connection Rules for low voltage (VDE-AR-N 4100)

VDE|FNN definiert Technische Anschlussregeln für den Netzanschluss elektrischer Anlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, z.B. Speicher.

All relevant actors – from network operators, manufacturers of charging infrastructure, vehicles and measurement technology to certification bodies and scientific institutions – work together at VDE FNN to create technical rules for a successful grid integration of the new mobility. A development which requires foresight from all involved, to avoid expensive corrections later on.

With the Technical Connection Rule for low voltage (VDE-AR-N 4100), VDE FNN showcases important developments in the field of charging equipment for E-Mobility and energy storage. Requirements are also described for the integration of increasing number of electric cars into the low voltage networks.

In a nutshell

  • Mandatory registration of all charging devices,
  • Network-supportive behaviour of charging devices, e.g. possibility for reactive power control,
  • Connection conditions for switch and control cabinets, meter connection stations and telecommunications systems,
  • Technical design for network connection layouts and meter panels housing measuring and control equipment.

More info about E-Mobility and the power grid